The Finance and Governance Committee performs regular review of all finances on behalf of the council and present their findings at full council meetings.
The Council appoints an independent internal auditor to assess the finance procedures in place to ensure honesty and efficiency, risk management and adequate internal control systems.
Farnsfield Parish Council conducts the auditing process as outlined in the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2014, The Transparency Code for smaller councils (under £25,000) and The Transparency Code for larger councils (over £200,000) does not legislatively apply.
End of Year and Archived Accounts
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24
In accordance with Regulation 15 (2), Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the following is declared:
1. The statement of accounts is unaudited and the statement of accounts as published may be subject to change
2. The period for the exercise of public rights commences 27th June and ends 7th August 2024.
3. Intention to inspect the accounting records and other documents should be made to the RFO by email to
4. The auditor is PKF Littlejohn of 15 Westferry Circus, London, E14 4HD